

19 Posts Published


August 4, 2020


As COVID-19 continues to be ever on our minds, the idea of giving thanks with glad and optimistic hearts has been somewhat lessened of late. The world is still in “pause” mode, many jobs and opportunities have been put into jeopardy, and unfortunately, lives have been lost.

As is common, times such as these can often dampen our prayer lives. While God listens to all of our prayers, it is difficult to pray heartfelt, God-honoring prayers absent of ungratefulness and complaints.

The important thing to remember is that we should always be grateful for something in prayer. In Philippians 1:3-6, Paul reminds us that being thankful with a joyful attitude is key to our faith as Christians. During this time, Paul was imprisoned, yet he was filled with encouragement and joy during his challenges and limitations.

This same joy and gratitude, which flows easily in good times, should also come in hard times as we bring our needs before God with thanksgiving. Living this out helps us receive God’s peace and enables us to see our challenges in a different perspective.

Over the course of this week, analyze your prayers before God. Are they frequently ungrateful, or always thankful? What would it take for all of them to move towards a posture of gratefulness?

If you need some help, perhaps form a ritual such looking at a photo of someone that is dear to you – one that lights your face up with a smile each time you see it. Every time you look at the photo, pause and thank God for the individuals in the photo and what they mean to you. Be reminded that God, who started the great works in that photo, will “keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears” (Philippians 1:6).

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