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The Path to Prosperity

18 October 2021

Scripture: Mark 10:23–31

If you look through the hymns in Lutheran Service Book, you will discover that the word “prosperity” is used only one time. The fifth stanza of “Now Greet the Swiftly Changing Year” (LSB 896) reflects on the guidance that Jesus gives us throughout the year: “With Him as Lord to lead our way In want and in prosperity, What need we fear in earth or space In this new year of grace!” Christian people know that the Lord Jesus Christ is leading the way through every year. Perhaps the months of this year have been swiftly changing for you. Perhaps it has not been so different from other years. In any case, the Lord’s guidance preserves our pathways from New Year’s Day in January all the way into the heart of October and beyond! Thank God for the journey!

To view the contemporary version of this service, please click here.
