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Rally Day

29 August 2021

Scripture: John 3:16-21

Today is the day we have been talking about and looking forward to: Rally Day! Yes, we will worship together in one service. We will eat together and have some fun after the service. But today is much more than that. Today is a day we return and recommit ourselves to God, as we reclaim our roots in Christ. Today is a day to return to Ascension, where we gather in fellowship in God’s Word in Scripture and Holy Communion. Today is a day we reclaim our passion for the Lord as reclaimed children of God. Today is a day we reignite our hearts and out of gratitude for what the Lord has done for us, we go forth together, joyfully working as servants of God in the mission field.  As we return to our roots in Christ, as we reclaim our identities as Christians, we undergo restoration. As we strive towards restoration, we do so filled with the Holy Spirit, who helps us to boldly go forth and proclaim the good news of salvation to a world that so desperately needs it.
